Since the company was started for more than 30 years ago, GEODAT is firmly established as a rental supplier of Hydrographic, Environmental, Geophysical industries. GEODAT has grown to be the Malaysia’s most recognized company in professional bathymetry and oceanography equipments.
GEODAT supplies, services and rents marine sonars, echo sounders, DGPS system and monitoring instrumentation for land and sea survey. We offer world wide sales, rental and service to land and sea community. GEODAT is also a leader in multibeam echo sounders and marine sonars.
We are committed to bring new and innovative solutions to our customers through continuous updates of our rental products. All our rental equipments are functionally checked at our office before deliver to the customer to ensure trouble free operation on site. GEODAT are able to offer technical advice on selection of the correct equipment to suit customer’s application and also give help on the mobilization and operation of the equipment.